"Worship the Lord with gladness;

What to Expect
A typical service will last about 60 minutes. Our 8 am service is traditional music and Lutheran Liturgy. 10:30 is our Praise service led by a praise team. There is Bible studies and Sunday School for all ages between services.. Plan to hang around after the service for fellowship and meeting new people.

Our worship services follow a structure known as the liturgy, which includes prayers, Bible readings, and responses to help guide us in our worship of God. Everything we do is centered on Christ and His role in our salvation, focusing on God’s grace, forgiveness, and presence with us. Our worship also emphasizes messages faithful to the Bible, using clear, meaningful language that reflects core Lutheran beliefs. Our services blend traditional and modern styles, giving a taste of both our rich heritage and new ways to express praise. Overall, our worship aims to be welcoming, inviting all to join in as we experience God’s love together.

Worship Service
Traditional Divine Service Worship
Sunday 8am
This is a traditional service and we follow the traditional Missouri Synod Lutheran Liturgy.
Praise Worship
Contemporary music refers to a style of worship music that uses modern instrumentation, rhythms, and lyrics to engage worshippers in a style often associated with modern Christian culture.
Devotional Service
Wednesday Evening
Sunday 8am
This is a traditional service and we follow the traditional Missouri Synod Lutheran Liturgy.
Praise Worship
Contemporary music refers to a style of worship music that uses modern instrumentation, rhythms, and lyrics to engage worshippers in a style often associated with modern Christian culture.
Devotional Service
Wednesday Evening

Children and Families
We value families worshipping together. We create an environment that is family friendly and supported.
Our Affiliation
We are a member of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. For more information about our LCMS click here.